Course Curriculum Outline

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    Welcome to Charity To Change

    • Introduction To Charity To Change with Lisa Slayton

    • Who is Leadership Foundations?

    • **About Charity To Change

    • **About this course

    • How to use this course

    • Course Reading List

    • **Before we begin...

    • National Cohort Meeting Recording from September 7

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    Chapter 1: Seeing The City

    • Welcome to Chapter 1

    • **Chapter 1: Executive Summary

    • A Note About the Lessons in this Course

    • Chapter 1: Recommended Readings

    • **Theology of The City with Ray Bakke

    • **What do we mean by "Charity" and "Change"?

    • Paul's Urban Leadership with Rev. Julia Fogg

    • **Activity: Your Church In Your City

    • Supplemental Resource: More from Ray Bakke

    • Chapter 1 Learning Assessment

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    Chapter 2: The Church and the City: An historical perspective

    • Welcome to Chapter 2

    • **Chapter 2: Executive Summary

    • Chapter 2: Recommended Readings

    • **The Early Church in The City with Dr. Terry McGonigal

    • Supplemental Resource: The church as a transformation and change agent

    • **The African American Church And The City with Dr. A.G. Miller

    • **Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: An introduction to Systems Thinking

    • Panel Discussion with Dr. Terry McGonigal and Dr. A.G. Miller

    • **Activity: Seeing Your City

    • Chapter 2 Learning Assessment

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    Chapter 3: Theology of Justice

    • Welcome to Chapter 3

    • **Chapter 3 Executive Summary

    • Chapter 3: Recommended Readings

    • **Rev Adam Taylor: A Theology of Justice

    • Reading: Amy Sherman on Justice

    • Tim Keller: Justice in the Bible

    • **Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: The Iceberg Model

    • Activity: Justice and Righteousness

    • Chapter 3 Learning Assessment

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    Chapter 4: Incarnational Ministry: Scripture and Culture

    • Welcome to Chapter 4

    • **Chapter 4 Executive Summary

    • Chapter 4: Recommended Reading

    • **Why is anthropology important?

    • Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: Incarnational Presence

    • **Incarnational Ministry with Bill Milliken

    • **Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: A Comprehensive Approach

    • A Conversation With Father James Alison on Anthropology and Scripture

    • **Activity: The 5 Why's

    • Chapter 4 Learning Assessment

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    Chapter 5: Engaging People of Good Faith And Goodwill

    • Welcome to Chapter 5

    • **Chapter 5 Executive Summary

    • Chapter 5: Recommended Reading

    • **Radical Hospitality, Forgiveness and Seeing God's Presence in Everyone with Rev. Jen Bailey

    • **Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: What do we mean when we talk about a community's "assets"?

    • **Engaging People of Good faith And Good Will in Your Community with Dr. Stacey Spencer

    • Dr. Jeffrey Bailey on Scriptural Reasoning

    • Supplemental Resource: Interfaith Friendship and the Politics of Scriptural Reasoning by Dr. Jeffery Bailey

    • Supplementary Resource: Map congregations and create a religious and demographic profile for your community

    • **Activity: Engaging People of Good Will

    • Chapter 5 Learning Assessment

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    Chapter 6: Systems Thinking and Asset Mapping

    • Welcome to Chapter 6

    • Chapter 6: Recommended Reading

    • **Systems Thinking Part 1: Seeing The Whole with Jeremy Del Rio

    • **Systems Thinking Part 2: Collective Intelligence: Seeing the Truth

    • Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: Asset Based Community Development Overview

    • **Systems thinking Part 3: Overcoming Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box

    • Supplemental Resource: Asset Based Strategies For Faith Communities

    • **Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: Mapping the Assets in Your Community

    • Supplementary Resource: Mapping Your Community’s Faith-Based Assets by Michael Mata

    • **Systems Thinking Part 4: Shared Vision: Creating the Future Together

    • **Systems Thinking Part 5: Creating Healthy Change: Enacting the Future Together

    • **Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: Theology of Structures

    • Chapter 6 Learning Assessment

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    Chapter 7: Faith And Work: Knowing Your Congregation

    • Welcome to Chapter 7

    • Chapter 7 Executive Summary

    • Chapter 7: Recommended Reading

    • **Theology of Work with Lisa Slayton

    • Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: Knowing Your Congregation

    • **360° Inventory of Congregational Assets with Dr. Amy Sherman

    • Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: Congregational Study

    • Supplemental Resource: Collective Impact in Rural Communities

    • **Strategically Deploying Congregational Assets

    • **Onramps for Congregational Mobilization

    • Supplemental Resource: The Quick and Simple Congregational Asset-Mapping Experience

    • **Activity: Your Church's Outreach

    • Chapter 7 Learning Assessment

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    Chapter 8: A Church For The Community

    • Welcome to Chapter 8

    • **Chapter 8 Executive Summary

    • Chapter 8: Recommended Reading

    • **Noel Castellanos: Moving From Charity To Development

    • **Charity To Change Community Development Lesson: Community Readiness

    • **Tim Soerens on Creating Vibrant Local Cultures

    • Supplemental Resource: 50 Ways to Take Church to the Community

    • Chapter 8 Learning Assessment

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    Chapter 9: Contemporary Models of Church Engagement

    • Welcome to Chapter 9

    • Chapter 9: Recommended Reading

    • **Models of Church Engagement with Eliza Cortés Bast

    • **Models of Church Engagement in Memphis, TN with Pastors Rufus Smith and Ken Robinson

    • Straightforward ways to get involved in systemic change

    • The Church's Role in Community Economic Development

    • Closing Survey: Please spend a few minutes to let us know your thoughts on Charity To Change

    • Jesus' Commission: An Excerpt from "Cities: Playgrounds or Battlegrounds"